Go Create • Go Build • Go Launch • GO RESTIVE
Go Create
Learn how to bring your idea into the world
The time to build is now. With new technologies, new platforms and a shifting regulatory and competitive landscape, there has never been a better time to build a technology company in financial services. GO RESTIVE 2025 brings together founders and industry experts to interact with you to help launch or accelerate your startup
GO RESTIVE 2025 is an invite-only, day-long event for very early stage founders, (pre-seed and seed) and those considering starting a startup to meet and learn from the best.
At Restive, we partner with technologists solving massive problems and connect them with the world of fintech. Whether it is payments and transactions, selling into regulated businesses, ecommerce and loyalty, or anything else that spans the financial services ecosystem, our team of operators has decades of experience, connections, and industry knowledge.
We want to see more founders take advantage of the massive opportunities available in the market so we are hosting this event to help you go!
We are excited to have some amazing speakers share their insights and wisdom with you. Here are some of the key speakers you’ll be hearing from:
Ken Lin
Ethan Bloch
Snigdha Kumar
Andrew Wynn
Soups Ranjan
Laura Spiekerman
Go Restive
Join the best and brightest
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
10 AM - 7PM
San Francisco, CA
Not a founder, but share our passion and want to contribute to the ecosystem, email us at go@restive.com
Who should apply?
Early stage founders building companies in fintech and those that plan to start companies in the next 6 months.
What are examples of fintech companies?
We take a very broad approach to how we think about fintech! Anyone who is thinking creatively about financial services, retail, regulation, and more broadly how we spend/ save/ store our money will benefit from this event. If you think your business might interact with the traditional financial services ecosystem, or that you could benefit from more knowledge of that system, you should apply.
How will companies be selected?
The team from Restive will select founders based on who will benefit most from the event. These will tend to be ambitious founders with a big vision and the skills to achieve that vision. They’ll also be founders who we think can benefit from the event.
Who will attend the event?
Ambitious founders - including many of the founders in our own portfolio - as well as industry leaders, subject matter experts, operators, and other investors.
Will you charge for the event?
We will have a very small number of tickets available for purchase to help offset the cost of the event. The event is free for founders and we will not sell tickets to founders.
What’s the relationship between this event and Restive’s investment process?
Our goal for this event is to encourage more founders to build in fintech and to partner with them at the earliest stages of their journey. We expect that we’ll have to earn the right to partner with any founder we meet, whether they attend this event or not. You’re under no obligation to accept an investment from us if you attend and we’re not going to invest in every founder that attends.
When will you review applications?
Applications will open on Dec 5, 2024, and founders will be admitted on a rolling basis. Apply early. Given the limitations of the venue and format, we do not anticipate being able to admit all who apply.
What is the deadline to apply?
We will accept applicants until we reach our capacity and then we will start a waiting list. The final deadline will be January 15, 2024.
This sounds cool. I’m not ready to start a company now though. Will you do this again?
We don’t know. This is a bit of an experiment. We’ll see how it goes. But we’ll be here whenever you’re ready. We’re always investing.